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This month, around the world, WBC Cares focuses on Anti-Bullying.


A bully is someone who overpowers or demeans another person. And a bully can also be a victim acting out their pain on others. Boxing teaches us respect; for ourselves and others.

Please be careful and kind when dealing with others. Ask for help if you feel anger or fear. Don’t lash out. Only cowards do. It takes real courage to admit you need support. Break the silence; not someone’s heart. Or your own.

Be the somebody that makes everyone else feel like a somebody. We are stronger together.

#wbccares #bulliesout #unitedagainstbullying #stompoutbullying #wbckoalbullying

Suicide Hotline 988

WBC Cares No Bully Zone - Stop Bullying
WBC Cares No Bully Zone - Alto al Bullying
Image of a WBC Cares Bully Free Zone sign and a WBC Champion belt

In our pursuit to create a more compassionate and kinder world, WBC Cares is thrilled to announce our upcoming ‘No Bully Zone’ Campaign. With a focus on nurturing values, kindness, and strong family bonds, this campaign aims to empower children and adults alike to stand against bullying in all its forms.

These authentic insights embody the essence of our ‘No Bully Zone’ campaign, illuminating how even the simplest gestures can set off a ripple of positivity.

You can visit the ‘KO al Bullying’ Event Gallery here.

Supporting Our Values

WBC Cares believes that instilling values like kindness, respect, and empathy from an early age can help shape a brighter future. Our ‘No Bully Zone’ campaign is not just about standing up against bullying, but also about fostering a nurturing environment where every child feels valued and heard.

WBC Cares members posing for the camera

Empowering Through Family

At the heart of our campaign lies the recognition that families play a vital role in nurturing values. We encourage parents, caregivers, and educators to join us on this journey of empowerment within the ‘No Bully Zone’. By fostering open conversations, sharing stories, and promoting empathy, we can create a collective force against bullying.

WBC tag name with human values text written on it

Get Involved

Stay tuned for the official launch of our ‘No Bully Zone’ Campaign in just a few days. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to access the heartwarming videos, insightful articles, and resources that will form the core of this campaign.

With unwavering commitment, WBC Cares is dedicated to creating a kinder world for all. Our upcoming ‘No Bully Zone’ Campaign is a testament to our belief in the power of unity, compassion, and the boundless potential within each individual to make a positive difference.

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