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On October 23, 2023, an impactful event took place at Conalep Santa Fe, Cuajimalpa, under the banner of WBC Cares. This session, titled “KO al Bullying”, aimed to raise awareness about the pervasive social issue of bullying and provide guidance on how to combat it. Students aged 15 to 20 from various high schools participated in this dynamic and eye-opening experience.


  • Christine Manzur, President of WBC Cares Mexico
  • Beka Romero, Spokesperson for the “KO al Bullying” Program
  • Reyes Sanchez, Former World Youth Silver Champion

As part of the broader initiatives undertaken by WBC Cares, this talk on bullying was a resounding success. Beka Romero, a passionate advocate for the “KO al Bullying” program, and our special guest, former World Youth Silver Champion Reyes Sanchez, led the discussion.

KO al Bullying banner

The event featured interactive activities where students could learn boxing techniques and share their personal experiences with bullying. These activities aimed to boost self-esteem, confidence, and foster an engaging introduction to the world of sports.

The session concluded with a Q&A session addressing various concerns related to bullying, followed by the presentation of medals to the students as a token of appreciation from WBC Cares. The event saw enthusiastic participation from a total of 60 students, teachers, and school administrators.


The primary goal of this session was to create awareness about bullying and its far-reaching consequences. It provided an opportunity for students to interact with a professional boxer, gain insights from real-life experiences, and engage in activities to build their self-esteem. Together, we’re working towards the solution – knocking out bullying!

In our collective efforts, we believe that we can create a healthier, happier, and more compassionate world.

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