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Fifteen Years of Life-Changing Dedication

On the evening of October 27th, at the grand Broad Street Ballroom, a star was born. Yet, the luminary we celebrate tonight, Marcela Orvañanos, has been a champion for fifteen years. She’s the founder and chair of Qualitas of Life, an innovative organization that has dramatically reshaped the lives of many by providing them with the tools for independence and the hope for a better future.

Illuminating Financial Literacy

Qualitas of Life is a non-profit that specializes in teaching financial literacy, with a primary focus on the Hispanic community. Their virtual classes are nothing short of phenomenal, and they’re accessible to all. It’s a commendable initiative to bridge the gap to financial independence.

Celebrating with Generosity

On that Thursday night, in front of a sold-out crowd deeply passionate about the sport of boxing and social responsibility, Marcela Orvañanos took a remarkable step. Alongside the World Boxing Council (WBC), and with the support of Bruce Silverglade’s Give a Kid a Dream program, Marcela stepped into the ring. She did so to commemorate the anniversary of Qualitas of Life by presenting a generous $2,500 donation to Bruce’s charity. It’s a testament to her dedication to meaningful change.

An Upcoming Award for WBC President

Looking ahead to November 2nd, 2023, Qualitas of Life will present another award, this time to WBC President, Mauricio Sulaiman. This acknowledgment pays tribute to his remarkable achievements and contributions to the community.

As an organization and as individuals, we commend these champions of change. Marcela Orvañanos, Qualitas of Life, and Mauricio Sulaiman are beacons of hope and inspiration. Together, they illuminate the path to a better future, proving that champions are not just made in the ring but in the hearts of those who dedicate their lives to helping others.

Marcela Orvañanos, founder and chair of Qualitas of Life, posing with her arms up on top of the ring

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