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Friendship and mutual respect through the years

By November 25, 2023December 5th, 2023No Comments

Rufat Riskiyev, the inaugural World Boxing Champion in the middleweight division and Silver medalist at the Montreal Olympics, is a true knockout master and an Honored Master of Sports. His legacy is woven into the rich tapestry of boxing history.

As a member of the USSR Olympic boxing team, Rufat was not only a formidable athlete but also a student and friend of the legendary Mykhailo Zavyalov, now the President of the Professional Boxing League of Ukraine. Moreover, Rufat shared a ring and a friendship with the great Ukrainian boxer Anatoliy Klimanov.

Despite facing immense challenges, including the amputation of both lower limbs, Rufat’s spirit remains indomitable. Much of his time is spent in bed, but his story is one of triumph over adversity.

Recently, WBC had the privilege of not only visiting Rufat at his home but also extending an invitation to the 61st WBC Convention in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. During this convention, Mauricio Sulaimán honored Rufat Riskiyev with a WBC commemorative medal, recognizing his significant contributions to the sport of boxing.

This encounter resonated deeply — two longtime friends, separated by years and miles, finally reunited. It’s a poignant reminder that the boxing community extends far beyond the ring, celebrating the enduring spirit of champions like Rufat “Tashkent Tiger” Riskiyev.

#BoxingChampion #Inspiration #WBC #TashkentTiger #Resilience

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