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Championing Dreams at Salas Boxing Academy

As part of the ongoing community initiatives by WBC Cares in Las Vegas, leading up to the highly anticipated Canelo vs. Charlo fight night, WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman paid a visit to the renowned Salas Boxing Academy. This academy, skillfully operated and guided by the esteemed trainer Ismael Salas and his wife, has become a hub of aspiring champions.

During his visit, WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman was warmly welcomed by none other than the promising champion himself, Bryan Mendoza, who trains under the guidance of Don Ismael.

WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman posing with Bryan Mendoza and Don Ismael. WBC Cares at Salas Boxing Gym

The academy boasts state-of-the-art facilities, attracting a diverse group of young individuals, all with their unique goals – some seeking fitness, while others nurturing dreams of becoming the coveted green and gold WBC champions.

Don Ismael took the stage to share touching words of gratitude for Mauricio Sulaiman’s presence at his gym.

He then passed the mic to the WBC President, who delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging the young talents to persist in their training and consider the gym as their second home.

Sulaiman emphasized the invaluable life lessons that boxing imparts, such as camaraderie, resilience, and discipline. He cited the remarkable journey of champion Mendoza as a testament to the rewards of unwavering dedication.

Spreading Joy and Inspiration

The event concluded on a high note as attendees were treated to a generous giveaway of t-shirts, caps, towels, keychains, pens, and backpacks, spreading joy among the children and young participants. To capture the memorable moment, the traditional WBC Cares group photo was taken, preserving the essence of this heartwarming visit.

WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman posing along with Bryan Mendoza, Don Ismael and participants at the WBC Cares at Salas Boxing Gym event

At WBC Cares, we continue to foster dreams, inspire champions, and uplift communities. We believe in the transformative power of boxing, and our visit to Salas Boxing Academy reaffirmed our commitment to supporting the aspirations of young athletes.

For more updates on our community initiatives and the world of boxing, visit WBC Cares Boxing.

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