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Charlie Tony Hall, known in the ring as “Charlie The Hammer” (CTH), was born on May 8, 2007 in Australia.

From a young age, Charlie faced the painful challenge of being a victim of bullying. However, his life changed when he found inspiration in a boxing movie. Determined to defend himself and others, he began training in the noble art of boxin

g, a sport that not only gave him physical strength but also a new perspective on life.

Diagnosed with high-functioning autism, Charlie has used his personal experience to become a passionate advocate against bullying, child abuse, and youth suicide. Asan ambassador for the World Boxing Council (WBC), his mission is to educate children and advocate for the protection of vulnerable youth. He has taken his message of hope and resilience to schools, gyms, clubs and corporate events across Australia.

Diagnosed with high-functioning autism, Charlie has used his personal experience to become a passionate advocate against bullying, child abuse, and youth suicide. As an ambassador for the World Boxing Council (WBC), his mission is to educate children and advocate for the protection of vulnerable youth. He has taken his message of hope and resilience to schools, gyms, clubs and corporate events across Australia.

Despite his young age, Charlie has achieved notable successes in boxing. He is Australia’s youngest corporate boxer and competes against professional boxers and world champions. In 2018, he won the Queensland sub junior title in the 51kg category in Rockhampton and the Australian sub junior title in Tasmania.

Charlie doesn’t fight alone in the ring; He also fights for a greater cause. His motto, 

“Using the ring to bring my message to thousands of people. If my message helps even one person, then I have been successful,” reflects his dedication and commitment to his advocacy work.

Charlie “The Hammer” Tony Hall is a true example of how sport can transform lives and be a powerful tool for social change. His story inspires and motivates many to face adversity with courage and determination

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