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Uniting Against Prostate Cancer for Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-being

November, dedicated to prostate cancer prevention and awareness, sees the rise of the annual No Shave November movement. Encouraging men to let their facial hair grow, this event aims to raise awareness about prostate cancer and emphasize the importance of overall well-being.

Understanding Prostate Cancer

Did you know that prostate cancer is an accumulation of cells causing abnormal growth in the prostate, forming a malignant tumor? It ranks as the second most common cancer in men globally, with one in six men at risk of developing it. In 2020 alone, there were approximately 1.5 million new cases worldwide, and the mortality figures are unfortunately on the rise each year.

Top 5 Risk Factors:

  • High intake of dairy, red meat, and calcium
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Age over 65
  • Family history and genetics

Top 5 Symptoms of Advanced Prostate Cancer:

  • Bladder and urinary problems
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain in the groin, legs, hips, back, and/or ribs
  • Blood in urine and semen

Take Action

If you are over 50, consult your doctor for an annual checkup. If a family member was diagnosed with prostate cancer before 65, discuss it with your doctor for appropriate guidance.

Let’s work together to prevent, raise awareness, and, most importantly, save lives. Cancer might be humanity’s formidable foe, but when we join forces as brothers and sisters, we can overcome anything.

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#prostatecancer #cancerdeprostata #noshavenovember

No Shave November flyer

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