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To celebrate the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games, we organized a special event with the participation of 100 boys and girls between 7 and 15 years old. This event was designed to offer them a unique experience, where they could explore and enjoy various sports disciplines such as boxing, basketball, athletics and dance.

During the day, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in these sports, discovering their skills and awakening their passion for physical activity. But the event wasn’t just limited to the physical aspect of the sport; I also included a workshop on sport for development, focused on inclusion and gender equality.

This workshop was a fundamental part of the day, since we sought not only to promote love for sport, but also to transmit essential values ​​such as equity, respect and the importance of diversity in sport and in life. We firmly believe that sport is a powerful tool for social change, and we want to inspire these young people to become agents of change in their communities.

The participation of @celiacisse and was key to enriching this experience. His commitment and passion for sport and development were an inspiration to everyone present.

This event is part of our ongoing commitment to using sport as a means to empower new generations, instilling in them the Olympic values ​​of excellence, friendship and respect. We will continue working so that more boys and girls have the opportunity to discover and enjoy sport, and so that it becomes a driving force for personal and community development.

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